India has submitted three papers to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) ahead of the 111th Session of the Legal Committee (LEG) to address issues related to the security and contracting terms of seafarers. The LEG Committee focuses on seafarer matters, including fair treatment and unlawful activities at sea. India advocates for a holistic approach to maritime security and better contracts for seafarers to address contemporary threats beyond piracy and armed robbery at sea.
India highlights the need for improved international cooperation to combat maritime fraud and address legal issues arising from various maritime security threats. The country points out the risks posed by geo-political tensions, regional instabilities, and violent attacks on ships, such as recent drone attacks in the Red Sea. The potential re-emergence of piracy attempts in the region, as seen with Somali pirate attacks, underscores the importance of continuous vigilance and proactive measures.
India also raises concerns about unlawful practices in the recruitment and placement of seafarers, which have adverse consequences on seafarer protection, well-being, and international trade. Cases of seafarer exploitation, abandonment, and stranding have been reported, impacting their safety, security, and access to essential services. India calls for an internationally-coordinated mechanism to address these issues and ensure the fair treatment of seafarers in line with the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.
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