Second Shipment of Aid for Gaza Prepared to Leave Cyprus

A police officer uses a sniffer dog to inspect the cargo ship loaded with humanitarian aid for Gaza in the port of Larnaca. REUTERS/Yiannis Kourtoglou
A second shipment of food aid was ready to sail from Cyprus to Gaza by sea, following an initial delivery that arrived in the besieged Palestinian enclave. Nearly 200 tons of food were brought in on the first shipment, with plans for a second vessel carrying 240 tons of relief supplies.
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A second shipment of food aid was prepared to sail from Cyprus to Gaza, following the arrival of nearly 200 tons of food in the besieged Palestinian enclave. The Cypriot President announced that the second ship, carrying 240 tons of relief supplies, was ready to sail, with support from the United Arab Emirates and Spanish charity Open Arms. The aid included canned and bulk products, as well as machinery to assist with future deliveries.

The first mission saw supplies unloaded onto a makeshift jetty, highlighting the desperate need for humanitarian aid in Gaza. With one in three children under the age of two in the north of Gaza acutely malnourished and a risk of famine looming, the food aid shipments are crucial to alleviate suffering. The ongoing conflict in Gaza has displaced a significant portion of the population, leaving them in urgent need of essential supplies like food.

The main goal of the aid shipments is to address hunger, alleviate suffering, and restore humanity to civilians in Gaza. The new sea route for aid delivery aims to provide a path alongside terrestrial ones to ensure that essential supplies reach those in need. With support from various organizations and governments, efforts are being made to alleviate the dire situation in Gaza and help the population survive the devastating impact of the conflict.

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