Tristar Eships and MTM Collaborate to Form Tristar-MTM Ship Management

MTM Ship Management
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Tristar Eships and MTM Ship Management have come together to form a joint venture called Tristar-MTM Ship Management Pte Ltd. The aim is to ensure ship owners and investors in Africa, the GCC and the wider world receive maximum retained value. The venture, which has its headquarters in Singapore, and offices in Athens, Dubai and Mumbai, has an independent team of ship management specialists who are supervised by senior members of both companies.

Tristar-MTM Ship Management Pte Ltd will operate to manage ships owned by Tristar Eships and third-party tonnage in the future. MTM Ship Management has decades of experience in dry cargo vessels and chemical tankers, making it a full-service solution for ship owners looking for customised management of their vessels.

Tim Coffin, Chief Executive of Tristar Eships, noted the fact both ship-owning companies, were, naturally, sensitive to maximising values to make the shipping industry more efficient. He pinpointed what he perceived as a gap in the market, with owners across the GCC region requiring bespoke responses. A partnership with an esteemed ship manager with a similar focus on value maximisation helps to meet the needs of ship owners across the globe.

Rajiv Singhal, Managing Director of MTM Ship Management, expressed his delight that this venture encapsulates the same values of transparency, safety and service excellence. The combined experience of Tristar Eships and MTM Ship Management amounts to 70 years, with a commitment to providing an innovative and competitive edge. The approach focuses on ship owners’ perspectives by ensuring tailored services are provided that are unique and consider what the future holds due to the rise of new technologies.

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